


Culture; it reflects the way of life of societies and is the whole of the thought and art assets of society. Art; it is one of the most important factors that ensure the continuity ofculture.Cultural heritage; They are material and spiritual works created by previous generations by emphasizing the continuity of cultural consciousness and this consciousness andbelieved to have universal values.Cultural heritage; It is important because it offers young people new learning and development opportunities, nourishes creativity and the drive toexplore, adds depth to the world and life, and carries the experiences of the past to the present.Cultural heritage in the UNESCO universal declaration; cited as the source of creativityand it is said that “it should be preserved in almost every way, enriched and expanded and handed over to future generations as a record of human experience and ambitions so thatcreativity is encouraged in all its diversity and an effective dialogue between cultures is felt”.EU; cares about "cultural and social integration" as much as economic, legal and political integration in terms of continuity of the union.EU's cultural policy; It is directed towards theexploration of the cultural heritage of both European cities and European nations, the preservation and recognition of their local culture and identity, and the promotion of their culturaldiversity and further integration.Therefore, with regard to cultural integration, the Council of Europe also adopts the common heritage understanding in the documents adopted in thefield of culture and cultural heritage. In terms of ensuring the cultural integrity of the EU, to ensure sustainability in protecting the common cultural heritage; It depends on the formationof awareness and awareness in individuals, awareness of the society about cultural heritage, and perception of heritage.With the recognition and protection of cultural heritage; Thekey people who can make the link between the past, present and future are European youth. Young people; It is one of the youth strategies of the EU to encourage young people to bethe architects of their lives, to ensure their growth towards their personal development and independence, to be active citizens, to be advocates of solidarity and to create positivechanges and provide the necessary resources inspired by EU values and European identity. In this context, "European cultural heritage awareness", "common values of the EU" and"effective European citizenship" competencies, which are the topics of our project and are the determinants of the future of the EU, are intertwined concepts. EU common valuesaccepted by all member states; It consists of concepts related to human rights such as respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, justice and complementary conceptssuch as pluralism, multiculturalism, solidarity, respect, tolerance and equality of women and men.Civil society and civic participation;They are other concepts that make the Common values of the EU functional and ensure the effective use of human rights. Civil society; They are voluntary associations of citizens outside of the state administration.Civil society, whichhas become an integral part of the "European Identity", has a very important place in ensuring social integration in Europe.Civic participation; It is the participation of individuals,nongovernmental organizations and civil society that make up the society in the decision-making processes of public authorities in general. Therefore, civic participation forms thebasis of active citizenship and requires strong ties between NGOs and society. In addition, the cultural dimension of European citizenship includes features such as interculturalexperience, European cultural heritage, and respect for cultural differences (EU, 2004)
Knowing and adopting the common values of the EU, which is in line with the European Human Rights, will increase their belonging to the European Union and European citizenship.Thus, it will be inevitable that young people whose belonging increases will gain awareness about the recognition and protection of cultural heritage. Our NGO organization; Whileguiding the project partners in directing the civic participation of young people, with the cooperation to be made with NGOs in our local project activities; Youth, who are a part of çivil society, will be shed light on civic participation and encourage young people to become civic participants. Our project is the future of young people in Europe; will increase theawareness of culture and art among the people, contribute to the awareness of European Cultural Heritage, the adoption of the common values of the EU, and to become civicparticipants with effective European citizenship competencies.

* The teachers of the partner schools will receive training on the European citizenship type related to their field of expertise. With this training, the professional competencies ofteachers related to their branches will increase.
* The common education programs to be created with our project in order to integrate the types of civil citizenship, social citizenship, economic citizenship, digital citizenship,democratic citizenship, cultural citizenship and environmental citizenship into school lessons will be prepared in cooperation with the European teachers in our project. Teachersparticipating in LTTAs for training and collaboration will be in communication and cooperation with their European colleagues. Thus, teachers will gain professional experience in aEuropean dimension. The professional visions of the teachers who will have the opportunity to compare the curriculum of their branches and the curriculum and practices in differentcountries in Europe will expand.
* Acquisitions related to European citizenship types will be integrated into school course contents and the impact area of EU citizenship education in schools will be expanded.
* European Youth Culture and Art Clubs in schools will be established student-centered. The communication and cooperation capacity of the students, who will form the Common internal rules, management, scope of activities and control mechanism of the club in cooperation with their European peers, will improve. Students who will become active with theirEuropean identity will increase their self-confidence and self-esteem and develop a positive attitude towards the project and project outputs.
* Students will take an active role in the activities of the European Youth Culture and Art Club. Students will gain awareness of civic participation with the cooperation to be made withNGOs and other institutions in club activities.
* Students participating in European Youth Culture and Art Club activities, which will be organized in and outside of school, will strengthen their ties with the school and increase theirinteractions with the school administration, school teachers and peers.
* The communication, interaction and cooperation of partner schools with NGOs at local level will increase.
* The digital skills of the students who will participate in the transnational project activity to create a mobile application and determine its content will improve. Students who will beactive in content creation will increase their creativity and gain cultural/art awareness about local and European cultural heritage.
* A European common culture/art awareness will be created in all students of partner schools that will be enabled to use the mobile application actively.
* The duties and responsibilities that the school administration will fulfill in the quadrangle of teachers, students and parents regarding project activities within and outside the schoolwill strengthen the ties between them.
* With the citizenship education to be given to the students' families, family members as citizens will have knowledge and experience about European citizenship and the support offamilies will be provided for the students to grow up as effective citizens.
* Partner schools will organize seminars in their regions to introduce the project outputs to the educators of the institutions / organizations related to our project topic and they willcreate a local impact.
*WYZSZA SZKOLA BIZNESU I NAUK O ZDROWIU (WSBINOZ); The local conference to be held with the participation of many universities and academics in their country andcoordinator will expand the scope of the project by organizing an international conference.
* The working area of the project coordinator will expand throughout Europe.
* WSBINOZ's international scientific research and study experience will increase.
* The communication network of partner schools in Europe will expand and their cooperation capacity will increase.
* With the integration of EU citizenship types into school lessons, the students of partner schools will have received EU citizenship training on the content of each course. Students;With the 'common education program', the rate of knowledge and skills on EU citizenship competencies, common values of the EU, EU citizenship rights and responsibilities willreachfrom 36% to 66%, and the European common culture/art awareness rate will reach 68% from 28%.


Project Brochure